Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The "Fish"

The north coast has been experiencing some mighty South East gale force winds this June. Usually the wind is from the North west. The gale force winds have prevented boaters from getting around the area. Not much fun going out in a gale!

We were able to travel around some of the inside passages and then hang out in an anchorage for a day or two.

We experience some pretty nasty swells when we left Chappel Inlet heading to Weinberg Inlet.

We had the poles out and the fish ready to put in the water. The reason we hold off putting the fish in the water is because it slows the boat down by 1/2 knot. So when you're only travelling 7.5 knots - you hate to lose that 1/2 knot. Plus - once they are out - they are pretty much out for the rest of the trip because pulling them back in later requires going on the top boat deck and pulling in the poles on a boat bobbing around in the ocean. And a wife wondering how to manage a man overboard situation!

Then the decision - when are we ready to put the fish out. It seems that the swell and waves are -- okay - this is okay - nah we think we are still good - to then all of a sudden -- Holy Smokes! But usually said with different words. And then putting the fish in the water becomes kinda risky - in the big waves Jim has to go out on the side decks and take them out of their holders - toss them in the water and hope they don't get caught in a wave and bounce around back toward the boat! Not likely that would ever happen thankfully.

And sometimes it's best to just turn around and go back from whence you came.

Some photos of Jim pulling in the fish.

First he has to go on the top deck and bring the poles a little closer to the boat.

Then down to the side decks and catch the chain with the pike pole.

Pull up the fish.

Put them in the holder on the side deck

Back to the boat deck to secure lines and finish pulling in the poles.

When he is doing this the boat is out of gear and I am watching very carefully.

I think we will be using them a lot this year!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Looks like a long way down to that cold water. Glad Jim wears his life vest while unfishing.

  2. Hey Chooky. I think they are like stabilizers but I'm not 100%
