Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Port McNeill

We have been in Port McNeill for 3 nights.  I always enjoy our stay at the North Island Marina -- Steve and all the staff here are wonderful and hard working!! 

Jim and I discovered that Port McNeill -- is not Port McNeil -there are two L's!!  All this time I thought it was one! 

We are heading out this morning.  We had a quick visit with a friend of Jim's last evening - which was great to see him again. And maybe on the way back down Jim and Pieter will go fishing!  That's the best kind of fishing for Jim -- guided! 

Beautiful sunset - lots of Krogens here. 

Willy Mitchell - once a Vancouver Canuck is from Port McNeill. His jersey on the wall at Gus's Pub. 

We saw a couple we know from the Krog-In -- John and Kitsi. The were flying out on Monday.  They will be back in a week and continue north - so we might see them along the way. 

Well we are off ....


  1. Have just caught up on your blog posts. You have some lovely photographs - they make me long for the coast.
    Travel safely on. Hugs

  2. Hope Jim catches something interesting and delicious! Gorgeous views there.
