Tuesday, June 14, 2016

On our way!

June 14, 2016

We are behind schedule. As usual life gets in the way and boat work always take 3 times longer than planned and costs twice as much!

Jim wanted to leave before the end of May. They boat was up on the hard for 10 days or so - which was a bit longer than planned. Lots of things were done that needed to be done and that we wanted to be done this year.

The refinished floors looks great. We bought a new area rug for the salon. A bit of a splurge ....

Jim installed 3 solar panels on the pilot house roof. So now we can be somewhere at anchor for a few days without worrying about batteries -  it's all about battery management. 

We got the screens installed on the pilot house doors and portholes and the salon windows. We can now have wide open windows for a nice sea breeze without worrying about the cat!  That wasn't too expensive - all about cat management that was!  

Not a great photo into the sun. But the window is wide open and she can't get out - or wiggle between the window and the screen like last summer.  But she is looking for a way out - all her escape routes have been closed and she a bit annoyed right now - running around the boat - haha. 

We left Steveston around 9 this morning. And coming out of the Fraser River was sloppy and it was blowing 25 knts. Not very pleasant. Even I was a little nauseated!  Jenny was fine. Lily was not happy. But once we turned the corner to head north after the Sandhead light station the seas calmed down and the rest of the trip was pretty good. 

Leaving behind some thunderclouds as we look back towards Vancouver. 

Heading towards blue sky! 

We are in Pender Harbour at the public dock. It is pretty breezy here at the dock. Took a bit to secure the boat as it kept blowing off the dock. It is certainly not as dry and hot as last year. 

Our plan is to leave tomorrow and head to Prideaux Haven. We are going to work our way north to Port McNeil as quickly as we can - weather permitting - as we try to get to the central coast earlier than we did last year. 


  1. Well you certainly picked an interesting day (weather wise)to set out!! Glad you made it out of the tempest and into calmer water. Lily doesn't look at all impressed with her new contained situation but I'm sure there would be an equal amount of fuss if she were shut outside and not allowed in! Impossible to win I suspect :0)
    I hope that the ocean and the breeze are helping to calm the stress of getting away and you guys have a great trip up to Prideaux Haven. Hugs D

  2. Love your new area rug! Good thing you didn't get hail. Apparently Langley got some today. We just got torrential rain in N.V. Thanks for the link to watch your progress. I kept checking it while I was at work today.... I mean when I had a slow moment or a break or something. Have a great trip! Living vicariously through your blog. lol

  3. Happy to see you and Jim are on the water at last.

  4. Oh! I spy the pretty quilted compass cover! :)
