Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ocean Falls.

We went for a walk about what is left of the town. 

Old abandoned house some from the 30s and 40s around the town centre. Yards all overgrown. Houses are in various states of disrepair. Some in good shape. And some with people still living in them.  Fruit trees and berry bushes were everywhere - apples and cherries and raspberries. 

The abandoned hotel 

One of the abandoned stores. The old Hudson Bay store had partially collapsed. This building was still in pretty good shape. 

The hotel and the old Hudson Bay store on the right.  You can sort of see how the Hudson Bay store has collapsed this is pretty much all that is left of the shops in the town centre. 

The court house and post office. Still in use. We mailed a postcard off to my parents from the post office. 

Some buildings we almost complete intact while other were mostly destroyed.  There is a group of residents in the town that have formed a society to try to restore the town and the buildings. 

Then we took a tour of the more residential area about 2km down the road. 

This house is For Sale. 

The battery on my camera died on our walk about so I didn't get as many photos. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember the NDP throwing huge $ at that town trying to keep it afloat. Interesting to see the decay and how quickly it happens. I'm sure it would be much more rapid if there was no one living locally. thanks for the tour!
